Now he is a big boy and in yr. 1 the bombshell has to do homework.

A small part of my soul shrivelled up and died when I found this out.
Having to fight one of them over homework every weekend is pretty horrific, but two of them?
I was contemplating leaving home.
So imagine my surprise to find out that the kids have spent this week looking at the work of Andy Goldsworthy and the homework was to create your own version of one of his natural, environmental installations.
Hurrah and double hurrah.

The Hippy took the boys for a walk on the beach where they collected feathers and shells.
Then we spent and enjoyable hour in the garden finding colourful stuff which my little man arranged in to happy patterns.

Fairy plates

Feather head.

Big red eye.
Much fun was had by all.

Have a happy, colourful weekend people.
May all your homework's be easy, enjoyable and stress free.
(Although after last week I should remember pride comes before a fall, the Ginger one's homework remains unstarted. Eek.)
Love Nora xxx


  1. Lovely, lovely lovely, he must have a great teacher. Do you know the book " Natural" by Marc Pouyet, like Andy Goldsworthy, but more gentle somehow.

  2. Gorgeous! That's my kind of homework:) (I don't want to scare you, but I'm suffering the hideousness of prompting a 16 year old to do his college work, so I'm not sure when it gets easier:S)

  3. that's amazing homework. The teacher deserves a gold star for giving the children an opportunity to expand their creativity

  4. Brilliant! Oh if only, it's a struggle over here. Though, gives me the idea for a home project, away from the grist of third grade. xo


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