A while ago I splashed out.
I bought some socks.
I don't buy socks very often, but I do suffer very badly from cold feet for at least 6 months of the year, probably due to working in a draughty old shed.
These socks weren't so expensive I had to look away while handing over my card and they weren't from any where fancy or exotic.
They were good wholesome socks with a hearty dose of wool in the mix from Marks and Spencer.
So imagine my despair when not two and a half months in to our glorious warm relationship the heels became transparent.
Drastic action had to be taken.
The well used, but never by me darning mushroom was taken off the shelf.
A vaguely matching colour of darning thread found.
I sat down for a pleasurable bit of make do and mend sewing on a Saturday afternoon, that went in to Saturday evening, that went in to Saturday night, that carried on well in to Sunday morning.

Dear God it was boring, I thought it would never end. 
I rejoiced at the advent of the throw away culture we live in that liberated our Grandmothers from this drudgery.
And I still had another pair to do.
Drastic action was needed.
Thicker thread and fun I though may work.
One quick rummage in the back of the shed later and I clutched in my desperate  hand a motley collection of tapestry wools someone had once given me as part of an unwanted stash.

There wasn't enough of any one colour to complete the job, 
but really who cares?

This is much more like it.
Love Nora xxx


  1. I admire your tenacity! I also think they look MUCH better now they are darned. I'm not a fan of the throwaway culture either, but I do buy very cheap socks and wear them until they develop holes. Then they go in the bin... I can't imagine myself darning socks, but then can you even darn polyester socks?

  2. I love the glorious multi-colour heels! It took me back for a moment to my goddaughter's confirmation when I shared a pew with a wonderful eccentric priest who was wearing one orange and one green fluorescent sock with his sandals. What made it so special was the large label on the pew saying: Reserved Friends of Jane.

  3. Love the darning! Well done for making do and mending, even if you were losing the will towards the end. hehe Karen x

  4. OK, that's just adorable! I have no idea how to darn, but you are almost tempting me in... :-)

  5. Now this is more than funny, Nora, well-done! I praise you - and I praise me - because I am also doing it but not in such lovely colours, it is more DH who because he doesn't see colours properly, choses the convenient wool, because thick, to mend his favorite socks. ������

  6. Yay for multicoloured darned socks ... they look fab ... you may have started a trend ... ! M x


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