But first a HUGE thank you
for the amazing messages you have all left me after yesterdays post.
I am amazed and really touched by all the love and support you all showed.
Today is a new day and not only do I feel back to normal, but my lovely nephew is now allowed home for most of every day.
I was describing the last week to a friend today and she jokingly said
"Oh it sounds like an episode of House".
It was with a sickening realisation that it was a little too close to the truth.
But enough! He is getting better and that is all that now matters.
And so to the edited (heavily) highlights of the holidays.
Make it to the end of this lot and you will realise why I ended up with some kind of emotional melt down last night

Birthday bowling.

The turbine hall at the Tate Modern with the Welsh Anglo/Finns.

Easter Bunnies

Spider Man meets Lottie.

And then flakes out at the supermarket, much to the surprise of the young French checkout assistant.

Encampments in the woods.

Walks up to very windy hill tops.

Young boys leaping for the sky.

And of course embroidery.
Embroidery with a stitching mad little sister.
Actually I'm exhausted just looking back at it all!
Have a restful weekend people, and once again, thank you.
Much Love Nora xxxx


  1. Lilian.....gorgeous name and gorgeous stitching. Costume designer of the future???

  2. Hello! Just read your post from yesterday and now today. Glad you're feeling a bit better today and glad to hear he's on the mend. Feeling unable to help is the crappest feeling ever but never underestimate the value of a good pair of ears and a shoulder.....they might need yours and mine are here if you need them. Cx

  3. Gorgeous holiday snaps! I love the windy mountain one :) Kx

  4. Hello I just 'found' you! hope to pop back later for a good read!

  5. Glad to hear you're both feeling a bit more chipper! x


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