On this Saturday just gone I took the ginger Ninja and two of his friends, Sophie and Louis, to one of our favourite places.
The giant car boot sale at Wimbledon Dog Track.
The kids all get £2 and they have to see how far they can make it stretch.
Its funny doing this with two children who aren't your own.
The ginger one is an old hand at this game and takes after his mother in being able to sniff out a terrific bargain, which lead directly to this hugh haul.

Sophie was much more considered and thought long and hard about every purchase and only bought things that were really good value.

Louis must have some special vibe about him as stall holders seemed to be falling over them selves to give him things for free!
My favourite was this georgous little brooch.

He literally piped me to the post on this one by seconds, and I have to admit to a certain amount of jealousy!
Any way enough about the children, lets see what the important stuff was.
I found this fantastic clutch of embroidered table cloths.

I particularly love the greeny blue scalloped edge on one of them and have big plans for it.
Here is a little close up of the embroidery on another of them, it is I think of a particularly high quality.

Then whilst rummaging in a damp and dingy looking bag, always the best kind, I found this envelope and note book.
I had to buy them.
The address was for a house on the estate really near where I grew up in Guildford!

It had a damp spotted child's collar, a floral hankie and two old stamps in it.
The customs form on the envelope said it was from New Zealand and contained a gift of a handkercheif that cost 10 cents.
Unfortunatly the top right hand corner is damaged, but I think the date is from 1967.
The lovely red note book also held its own surprises.

Useful information to process and inwardly digest for a full and rounded life I think.
Nora x


  1. Sounds like everyone came away with a good treasure! I love those table cloths and the notebook. I think I am long overdue for a "car boot sale".

  2. Cor! what a good stash, love the table cloths - I can't remember the last time I car booted - I think I came away with too much and banned myself for a while, I'm sure it's been long enough now!

  3. I particularly loved the notebook. Some people don't realise how car-booting can be so educational! SueXXX


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